This is becoming a pain. :(

If everything else didn't work 100% without any screwing around I would
probably have given up already.

I received a response from the Mono list that they use SIGPWR for their
garbage collector.

And that is interfering with this line:

_ecore_signal_callback_set(SIGPWR, (Signal_Handler) SIG_DFL);

causing any managed application that calls ecore_init() directly or
indirectly (such as ewl_init()) to not shutdown properly.

I comment out the line in Ecore and recompile and BAM it works fine.
I just want to know what the callback is used for. Is it for an Ecore
garbage collector?  I have a workaround for now... But I don't like it.
I have to call ecore_shutdown() directly to kill it, and then I get a
"Power Failure" message.

Everything else works so good tho... well except one thing....

I had to rename a Ewl_Text to Label so that I could use a Text property,
as object orientation doesn't allow a property as the same name as a
class.  Other then that, everything is API Compatable.

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