Here is a patch for emotion that fixes some bugs and improves emotion
- It should solve all the bugs related to the delete of the get_pos and seek
- It improves the transition between two medias since it doesn't destroy anymore
the xine object and the stream when changing the current media.
- It adds a smart callback when the playback of the video is finished.

Module API is a little bit modified so if someone is working on module for
emotion (gstreamer??) and if this patch is applied you should make some fixes.

Current applications that uses emotion doesn't support playlist so you shouldn't
notice improvements. To test this patch you can use eclair, a media player which
I'm currently working on. I'm sending it in another email to this list.

PS. I couldn't reply until the next week end.


Attachment: emotion_patch.diff.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip-compressed

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