Il giorno Thu, 5 May 2005 13:32:25 +0200 Massimo scrisse:

> > Do you use latest cvs? Here edge resitance always works.
> uhmm, no!
> my local build is 8 days old.
> I'll try to recompile it when I'll have some time :)

I've just updated e17, but nothing changed.

I've also noticed that if I delete an eapp file, which is present in the
ibar, enlightenment suddenly crashes.
for what it can worth it, I use to keep all my eapps in the /all dir, so
in the /ibar dir there is only an .order file.

one more :)
I've installed two games for my son, frozen-bubble and supertux, and
both of them do set the same win class: SDL_App.
I've made two corresponding eapp files, and in the ibar the icons are
displayed correctly, but in the pager both are displayed with the same
icon. if I select "edit icon", e_util_eapp_edit always shows me the
settings of the first eapp created, no matter which program I'm running.
I've also tried to set win name through enlightenment_eapp, but in this
case the icon in the ibar doesn't launch anymore the game.

is there a way to use two different icons for these two games?

         Massimo Maiurana          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]       GPG keyID #7044D601

Articolo 11 - L'Italia ripudia la guerra come strumento di offesa alla
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