Il giorno Wed, 15 Jun 2005 19:11:49 +0200 Tilman scrisse:

> Massimo Maiurana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-06-14 21:34]:
> > I've just downloaded it, but trying to make I get this error:
> > [...]
> Read Nathan's reply ;)

ok, but where exactly should I add the cast?
I'm not a coder, so I tried to add it in sqrt(), like this:

m = eli_card->eli->velocity * 0.02 / sqrt( (double) SQR(to_x - from_x)
+  SQR(to_y - from_y));                    ^^^^^^^^

it now compiles, but if I try to select a game it exits.

         Massimo Maiurana          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]       GPG keyID #7044D601

Articolo 11 - L'Italia ripudia la guerra come strumento di offesa alla
libertà  degli  altri  popoli   e  come  mezzo  di  risoluzione  delle
controversie internazionali....

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