Hi Laurent,

The bug on the sliding panels is a bug of the drop-shadow module of e17 that appeared two weeks ago: when the shape of a shaped window changes, the shadow is not always updated. So, sometimes, panels do not have shadow or, like on your screenshot, there is a shadow where there is no panel opened.

For the minimize bug, it may be a bug of ecore or a wrong use of ecore in eclair, I don't really know: you can minimize the window once, but then, if you de-iconify and try to minimize eclair again, it won't be minimized. It seems that ecore is not aware that the window has been de-iconified.
To solve the bug, I can do:
     ecore_evas_iconified_set(window->ecore_window, 0);
     ecore_evas_iconified_set(window->ecore_window, 1);
but I don't think it's the good way to do it.
Raster or Sebastid could surely tell you more about this.

Anyway, thanks for having reported the bugs ;)


Laurent Malvert a écrit :


just compiled eclair and give it a shot, and I had a display problem right away.
Here's the thing:  I launched eclair, opened the differents sliding
panels, particularly the one who should display the album cover.
then I closed that panel, and there was still a remanent 'trashed'
panel, something like a shade or a border.

A screenshot is attached, even though I don't know if the mailing list
can handle attachments (and if it's appreciated).

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