On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 13:28:32 +0200 FORT Yannick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled:

> I had noticed that some month ago, but totally forgotten, and as i had 
> to reconfigure entierly my desktop due to profiles, i re-noticed that 
> and decided to post' this mailing-list
> I found very strange the difference of configuration of the size of 
> modules, the best example is that ibar (and ibox as it's based on ibar) 
> is resized by a "size" menu in non-edit mode, and pager that as the 
> "normal" comportement : it's resized in edit mode as all other modules
> Furthermore, the size of the ibar depends on the theme (i didn"t test 
> last month, but it was that before), this is a little bit annoying, as 
> to have the same desktop after changing a theme, you have to resize some 
> modules, and not others ...
> Wouldn't be better (more "e-module-standard" way) to configure thickness 
> with gadman on ibar, and not width if in "resize according to icons" 
> mode, and configure width and thickness in "not resize according to 
> icons" mode ?
> Sorry for my poor english, i hope you'll be able to understand my message

well that depends. with ibar i decided the size of the icons themselves was the
primary piece of information and everything else was calculated based off that
as a user will want the icons the same size (so one theme doesn't make them tiny
dots and another make them huge) and thus all the extra padding around ibar is
recalculated based off that. it could become an option i guess to allow the ibar
configured size control the icons, or the icons control the ibar size (as by
default it auto sizes to fit the icons along the bar length so thus making it
size for height made sense). patches accepted :) right now its not even on the
TODO list though as i see this as insanely low priority :)

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
裸好多                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tokyo, Japan (東京 日本)

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