On Sat, 13 Aug 2005 11:33:08 -0400 Tianran Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > the problem is - the evas api is DEFINED to accept utf8 as all strings. all
> > strings are utf8 as far as it is concerned. it expects them in utf8 and will
> > return them in utf8. so if you have anything that is not utf8 and you want
> > to give it to evas - you must convert it to utf8 first, and vice-versa.
> > utf8 is able to cover all unicode code-point space as as such so it is
> > sufficiently good to do everything. :)
> fair enough, i guess this is why i should read the document

or read the source. a lot ISNT in the documentation :(

> > you need vertical do you? hmm - here in japan they are more than happy to do
> > left to right any time. i thought it was the same in china and korea. so i
> > have ignored top to bottom. i do know fo right to left issues and frankly
> > that is my biggest problem at the moment. that involves having to address
> > not just textblock, but evas's core text drawing routines as these ONLY
> > draw left to right. i basically have not addressed right to left as i speak
> > none of these langauges (arabic, hebrew etc.) and it is a bit more complex
> > with arabic for example using composed characters (1 char composed of
> > multiple unicdoe glyphs overlayed) and i actually don't know what it is
> > MEANT to look like etc. especially mixed right to left and left to right
> > languages - eg quote english within arabic sentences, or vice-versa.
> yeah, believe or not. most chinese now uses left-right layout, same
> for korean. but i wrote a small typesetter for windows, which makes
> acient chinese and mongolian script looks right. now i want to port it
> to linux.

nice! :) that'd be cool- well if you want, follow my textblock2 work - its in
cvs. basically you will want a variant on the _layout() function that does top
to bottom i think.

> how stable is the textblock(2) api now? maybe i can do sth base on it.

not stable at all. i'm working on it. but its best to get into it NOw while its
building. there is a lot less to understand.

> -- 
> Regards,
> Tianran Chen

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
裸好多                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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