David Seikel wrote:

To say that some consolidation and management of these is needed
would be an understatement.

Guess I just volunteered for that job.

It'd be great if all these references pointed to the same place. If it's CVS, or the enlightenment.org CMS, or the get-e.org CMS, or the edevelop.org CMS. Whatever, updating this sort of information should be in one place, and all of these places should point to it or sync with it, rather than having their own copy. I agree with having a separate FAQ for Users, Developers, and maybe even Themers or a Customization FAQ. Obviously this applies to a lot more information than just FAQs.

I'm happy to help, and if you'd like to use edevelop.org as a playground to work on this stuff, feel free. I'll give admin/moderator access to anyone who's willing.


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