> If anyone has questions or comments about any of these developments or
> anything else EWL related, please reply to the list so we can keep more
> people in the loop.

Just as an addon to this, one of the more turbulent reworks I've been doing (on 
the backburner for a while) is redoing the colordialog/colorpicker/spectrum 
code in EWL.

The reason for this is to move what is now the colordialog to the colorpicker 
and get rid of the old colorpicker all together. Then to add a new colordialog 
that inherits from dialog (and hence, is actually a dialog and not a widget).

The spectrum work has been to make it allow for displaying all 6 possible 
combinations instead of just 4. (And adding alpha stuff in there too).

This is mostly working, all the widgets are coded. Just having some problems 
with my math in the spectrum code, but once thats worked out it'll be going in.

After that, some possible restructe of the filedialog will be inorder to 
accomplish the same thing. A generic widget that has the structure in it, then 
filedialog is actually a dialog. Also changing it's value changed to return an 
event struct instead of a number included into the void * event pointer. (Well, 
unless something else distracts me first.)

I've also done some work recently to extend the code in EWL for focus policy. 
The foundation should be there, we just need to go through the widgets and (the 
ones that make sense) need to be added into tab list. Then hook up the tab code 
(and the code to say, don't steal my tabs). With a bit of themeing this should 
be good to go.

The textblock2 port went pretty well. There are a few issues in there still 
that need to be tracked down (ewl_text_editor_test is a good way to make it 
crash). Also need to fully test all of the different formatting options to make 
sure I'm passing them to tb2 correctly. The cursor appears to be one character 
to the right of where it should be, which I believe has to do with what I'm 
taking as cursor position and what tb2 takes as cursor position. For me, the 
position is always to the left of the character, I believe for tb2, position is 
_on_ the character. I think this is throwing some of my calculations off a bit.

If you feel like helping on either of these, looking at the colour code, or 
fixing the ewl_text code I'd be more then happy for the help.


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