Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Sat, 22 Oct 2005 15:28:20 +1300 jochen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled:
>>Ah well I guess I have to learn to use ctrl-alt x instead, or just keep
>>a little patch for the default theme which reverts the reordering. menu
>>order is a theme thing isn't it?
> no - it's in the code :)
Oh too bad.
>>>personalyl i think re-ordering is for the better overall.
>>It's your baby so it's your decision although I still think it's the
>>wrong one :), but you're probably right a significant part is the
>>inconvenience it's causing me ;)
> really i DO see bnoth sides to this argument, and both have merit. i just 
> think
> this one leans more tothe "change the order" side of things. maybe in the long
> term we could provide ways of having the menu re-ordered and customised. but 
> at
> this stage i dont want to invest any time into this as there are MUCH bigger
> fish to fry... like segfaulting e when windows are closed :)
Oh who told you about those ;), I'm recompiling with gcc-3.4 right now,
so it might turn out to be a compiler bug, which is already fixed in
newer gcc. That would put this witch to rest :)

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