On Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 08:54:37AM -0600, Brian Mattern wrote:
> On Tuesday 06 December 2005 08:05, Falko Schmidt wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm stuck here with some ewl-related problems since several days.
> >
> > First, there's an issue with a configuration interface that I'm trying
> > to write. I think the easiest way is to describe my intension:
> >
> > I hope it isn't too confusing.
> >
> > I've got a main window that spawns a new window in which I can specify
> > one configuration type from a menu (currently imenu, more on that
> > later). Depending on the type chosen several spinners, checkboxes,
> > descriptions etc. are created in the same window using several globally
> > defined widgets. Those are used to define the parameters to the
> > configuration option chosen above. Each option has different amounts of
> > spinners, checkboxes and so on.
> > If, once I chose one option from the menu, choose another option, the
> > old spinners and checkboxes are destroyed and replaced by the new
> > widgets (which works because they are globally defined). All that works
> > quite well. But if I close that window to go back to the parent window
> > and then open it again, choosing from the menu the first time would
> > crash the program. With gdb I found out that it was caused by the
> > ewl_widget_destroy which removes any previous widgets to make place for
> > the newly chosen option's widgets.
> > I tried to find out a reason for this but wasn't successful. Is this a
> > known issue or is my concept not realizable in the end? I would like to
> > keep the configuration window small by only showing the needed parameter
> > input fields for one specific option instead of all at once.
> >
> I'm not positive, as I haven't seen your code, but I would guess that you are 
> not setting your widget pointers to NULL after deleting them. On type change, 
> it deletes and immediately reassigns new values, so the next delete is 
> successful. However, when you close the window completely, only the deletes 
> happen, and you are left with a bunch of pointers to freed memory. Then, upon 
> type selection, you try to delete them again, accessing the freed memory, 
> causing a segv.
> So, you probably just need to set them to NULL after delete.
> Again, just a guess :)
> --
> rephorm

Ooooh, true. That could really be the reason. Thanks a lot! I'll try it
as soon as menu and/or imenu work again.

Thanks again,


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