On Sun, 5 Mar 2006 10:17:55 +1000
David Seikel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The new menu generator is ready for testing.  It's not ready for prime
> time, but it would be helpful to get it tested on a variety of boxen.
> The test procedure is this -
> Move your ~/.e/e/applications/favorite to a safe place, then nuke it.
> Optionally do the same for ~/.e/e/applications/all.
> Go to e17/apps/e_utils/src/bin/e17genmenu (yes I know it's a bit
> strange having a separate tree there, it's a temporary thing, blame
> devilhorns).
> Do the usual autofoo three step.
> e17genmenu --fdo
> After that has finished running, E will by unresponsive for a few
> minutes.  This is a known issue with the eap cache regeneration.
> This will generate E17 menus based on whatever freedesktop.org menus
> you have installed in your system.  It should find all the things that
> are supposed to be in your fdo menus.  Not everything will have a
> proper icon, and there is not currently a method of selecting the fdo
> icon theme you want to use.  Also, not all the re arranging,
> categorising, and deletions/hiding is being done properly yet.  There
> are still a few big parts of the spec being ignored.
> Send me the last line that is output (the one with the timing stats)
> and let me know what distro and CPU speed you tested it on.
> If there are major parts of your fdo menus that have not been found,
> please find out what directories the .desktop files are in and let me
> know what they are.  Same applies if there are .menu files being
> ignored.
> Restore your original eaps and menus when you have finished playing
> with the fdo menus.

Running on FreeBSD-6 and this is what I get:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] e17genmenu --fdo
<LEGACYDIR> - kde- - /usr/local/share/apps/kappfinder/apps/
<LEGACYDIR> - kde- - /usr/local/share/applnk/
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Regards Troback

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And 'No' is the answer!
Anders Trobäck

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