Hi Aleksej, 

Could you send your script which you use to setup your environment? I think 
most developers could get a better understanding of the situation by just 
looking at your script. 

Also, Perhaps some of this could incorporated as an input method configuration?


On Sun, 2 Apr 2006 12:57:58 +0000
Aleksej Struk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I would like to start a new discussion regarding E features.
> During the past time I usually use 2 different languages for input in
> my work.  This languages are  english and russian. So, in order to be
> able to switch between them I use setxkbmap program of the X11. I wrote
> a script which does language switching for me.
> However, it is not comfortable enought. First of all, I do not have
> any visual representation of my current language selection. Second,
> such a way of switching language is global. So, if I turn, for example,
> russian language, I will have it everywhere and in every application I
> currently use, but it would be nice to have some local language selection
> per application. Finally, I already had some troubles with non-english :)
> language and desktop locking. If I turn, for example, russian language
> and then lock the screen from the menu, or by using shortcut, for
> example ctrl+F12, I'm not able to unlock my desktop, since the ASCII
> code values of russian letters are greater that 128 and E, basically,
> does not accept them. Please do not refere to locale settings in this
> situation :) since I prefer to work in C locale or en_US.
> I would like to propose to implement such a language switchin mechanism
> in E. However, I'm able to implement it of course :), but I'd like to
> hear different opinions on that. Moreover, I'd like to hear some comments
> from devs, what should be done.
> The things I want to do are the following:
> a) implement a new configuration dialog that allows to select perfered
> languages, to set the default input language, and to select the language
> switching policy. For example such policies can be: (i) global - the
> language is selected for all applications, (ii) local - the language
> is selected for the specific application or a window, (iii) maybe
> something else.
> b) implement 2 new actions that allows to switch between selected
> languages in two ways - forward and backword. For example if I have
> selected 3 languages EN-RU-IT, then I want to be able to switch
> between them in the 2 following ways: (i) EN->RU->IT->EN->... (ii)
> IT->RU->EN->IT... Of course here I assume that default language is EN.
> c) implement an E module which will monitor the current language
> selection. Moreover it would be nice if it would allow to switch languages
> as well. For example if one click on it.
> I think the option a) is the most easiest from the implementation point
> of view.
> For the option b) I think the following actions whould be taken. The
> main E config should store the information what langs are selected,
> which is default one, and what lang switching policy is used. Also,
> the current language selection should be stored in main config, probably
> just temporarly, if the global language switching policy is used.
> Also, I think, that the data structure representing the window border
> should have a field that will show the current language selection for
> this particular window, if the local language policy is selected. Then,
> the language for this window should be switched automatically, when it
> gets the focus.
> I think, that some sort of IPC also should be implemented in order to
> have a possibility to assign shortcuts. Of course, default shortcuts
> should be defined as well ::))
> The option c) is the most mistirious for me, since I never worked with
> modules. I guess, that in order to monitor the current lang selection,
> some IPC actions should exist. Also, I think, they should exist if we
> want module to be able to switch languages. It would be nice if somebody
> referenced me to an existing example, or briefly explain how things
> should be done.
> Well, I think thats all what I wanted to write and ask opinions about.
> :) Waiting for comments, suggestions and etc.
> sn.
> -- 
> Aleksej Struk
> Master Degree Student
> Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
> Faculty of Computer Science
> phone: +39-0471-061749
> cell phone: +39-3204627049 +370-61278908
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://astruk.googlepages.com/home
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