Doh. Your screenshots still show light backgrounds, and from your one
reddit poll there are tons that say the opposite and research to back it.

There is no need as I said to keep flaming this thread. We found a solution
that works for us and will satisfy all and we are working on it.

On Tue, Feb 27, 2018, 11:42 PM William L. Thomson Jr. <> wrote:

> On Sun, 18 Feb 2018 19:54:23 +0000
> Stephen Houston <> wrote:
> > None of which are default, as I said. Open windows explorer. Is it
> > dark? Open finder is it dark? Dark bars And titlebars don't mean it's
> > a dark theme. As I said. Defaults are always light.
> That is the default windows 10, and a screenshot of the next release of
> OS X. Those are defaults. The are moving more things to dark, that were
> light in the past.
> What color were the start/title bars before? Light or dark? Which
> direction is that going? Is that a trend moving towards light or dark?
> This is not light
> Or Cinnamon/Linux Mint
> Matte and Cinamon would be interesting as its basically the same Mint,
> difference being light and dark.
> For those that voted for KDE, the majority voted dark.
> I think this helps really solidify the trend. Black uses less power
> than white. Dark themes can have better battery life.
> Very likely manufactures are catching on. Better for battery life,
> better for your eyes. Better all around.
> If you think a theme is why people do not run E. I think you are pretty
> far off base there.  It is a lack of applications more than anything.
> --
> William L. Thomson Jr.
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