On Sun, Jul 29, 2018 at 2:22 AM Carsten Haitzler <ras...@rasterman.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Jul 2018 09:03:11 +0000 jaquil...@eagleeyet.net said:
> > Hi Guys,
> >
> > I think a good place for me to start as I fight with getting things
> > built on fedora from git is that of traging of bugs that have had no
> > activity for an extended period of time. I am posting a comment on them
> > to see if I get any feedback and if there is no feed back I will mark a
> > note on it for those subscribed to reopen the ticket if its still valid.
> >
> > Also I am seeing alot of bug reports of very low quality. In the sense
> > there isnt any detail as to what the issue is. Is there a work flow that
> > we can setup to ensure a standard of bug reports is met in the sense
> > what steps we can take to try and reproduce as well as maybe hardware
> > specs.
> >
> > I am sending this more to open up a discussion on this as i feel like
> > phab should be used to help us report issues that developers can then
> > try to reproduce and if replicated fixed.
> well TBH there isn't much you can do about what reporters will report. you ask
> questions. often it's hard to get the information (people are unable to 
> provide
> it - too complicated to get a backtrace for example - packages with no debug
> symbols etc.). sometimes the backtrace is useless. (dies inside libc malloc
> sanity checks - bug happened elsewhere and would need valgrind to know more).
> sp it's often a conversation digging out more information. if that 
> conversation
> stops (without a resolution or a "this needs to be handled later" from
> developers), the bug basically becomes useless. : (

Some software such as fastlane (ios/android automation in ruby)
provide crash-reports in Markdown-template almost ready to be pasted
into the ticket.

Includes things such as:
 - backtrace (harder in C/efl, but still manageable in some cases)
 - OS version (ie: /etc/os-release)
 - version of some libs (we could use the path to libs linked into
crashed process, usually they include the minor soname, which helps)

and of course some kind of questions:
 - what were you doing when the crash happened?
 - can you reproduce the crash? If yes, please list steps

I don't remember if it was fastlane, but some software I've used even
did a REST call to search for similar issues (issues with similar
backtrace, not sure how they implemented that).


Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
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