Hi Stefan,

This is something I was planning on working on given I am working on azure for 
some personal projects and potentially a massive project which atm is very 
small but can be gigantic for the aerospace sector.

I think we can add this to our discussion list for Sunday when we meet to speak 
regarding release builds.

On 08/02/2019, 09:40, "Stefan Schmidt" <ste...@datenfreihafen.org> wrote:

    On 06.02.19 15:32, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
    > Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t travis a bit limited to an extent.
    Well, everything is limited to an extend. Only Google and Amazon have
    infinite computer power ;-)
    More concrete Travis is limited to 5 parallel build jobs for a OSS
    project. We are over this limit which means the 6th job and further will
    only start when one of the first five finished.
    IIRC Azure has a higher limit here (10 parallel jobs?) that would help.
    But someone would need to investigate how to use it and work on actually
    doing it.
    > I can actually give you guys control over this team so to speak so those 
that need to make changes can.
    Sure, you can give me access, but I am looking for someone who would do
    the actual work to get the efl CI builds we have running on Azure as
    well. On my personal todo list its quite near the bottom. If you or
    someone else thinks we should have it running on Azure I would welcome
    anyone to start working at it.
    > I think we need to have a chat somewhere maybe a conference call on this 
Stefan or a chat on slack.
    As I wrote in the releases thread I would prefer IRC/Slack. What date
    and time would ou want to have the discussion?
    Stefan Schmidt
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Stefan Schmidt <ste...@datenfreihafen.org> 
    > Sent: 06 February 2019 14:04
    > To: Enlightenment developer list 
<enlightenment-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>; Jonathan Aquilina 
    > Subject: Re: [E-devel] Azure Devop's CI
    > Hello Jonathan.
    > On 16.01.19 07:31, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
    >> Hi Guys,
    >> I am looking to propose that I setup for the project CI on azure. There 
is no charge as far as I can gather for this. It seems like I would just need 
to tie it in to git to pull in the changes and schedule runs. From what I can 
see this is ubuntu based as a platform. What do you guys think do you think 
it's a good idea to have it do CI testing on each build?
    > I assume you know that we already have an actively used Travis CI setup?
    > https://travis-ci.org/Enlightenment/efl/branches
    > We have an instant github mirror by now and if azures ties into Github to 
get the new pushes that would work for us.
    > If you want to add an Azure CI for testing to crunch on our efl commits I 
would be interested in see how it goes. But as many other things this needs 
time and bandwidth to work at. For me personally trying out another CI system 
is interesting but way down my todo list.
    > If you are willing to work on this let me know. I certainly should be 
able to configure things on github top get commits notified to Azure.
    > As a good starting point I would suggest to look at the .travis.yml file 
and everything below .ci/ to see what we have so far and how it is setup with 
Travis. Most of the actual build testing as well as unit tests are executed in 
docker containers and not bound to any Travis specifics. If you set things up 
to execute jobs in docker containers on Azure most of it should be possible to 
bring over.
    > regards
    > Stefan Schmidt

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