I've just attempted to upload pre-release tarballs to 
download.enlightenment.org into the directory 

I received a permission denied error and was unable to upload tarballs. Is this 
the correct location for them?

On Sun, 31 Mar 2019 00:29:33 +0000
Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) <ras...@rasterman.com> wrote:

> On Tue, 26 Mar 2019 11:43:17 -0400 Mike Blumenkrantz
> <michael.blumenkra...@gmail.com> said:
> I'm feeling a bit better now.
> So here's the status of things:
> I re-installed e5 with it's now fully fixed disk array etc. It's running a
> pretty boring ubuntu install (18.10). This will make it easy to manage.
> I redirected download./enlightenment.org dns to point here and set up just
> enough of the system to manage this. The reason was that people wwere unable 
> to
> ssh to the current download and thus I really saw the best way to fix this was
> to move it. I couldn't do anything about the e6 instance so this was the
> best/fastest fix.
> In addition this is part of a long term move to move everything back over. e5
> is not fully set up at this point. I'm being slow and careful. I don't intend
> to have any core services run in vm's to keep things simple. It's a regular
> multiple hosted sites on a single system setup. /etc is managed by etckeeper 
> so
> all changes are tracked in a local git to make it easy to track what changes
> and when. I'm keeping the systems simple because it's so much easier to manage
> when you aren't full-time administering it. It's old school and simple. It
> worked for many years before we went all into VM's and that has not proven to
> be better IMHO due to experience. Keeping it simple also means it should be
> easy to move/migrate as all data/config will be accounted for in limited
> places. e5 will be plenty powerful enough (it's a 2 CPU, 8 core xeon with 48gb
> RAM and > 1TB of disk space total) if we aren't running builds on it all day.
> We aren't going to run out of RAM or disk space or even CPU if we aren't
> artificially limiting it per VM.
> I haven't set things up like automatic user account setup/maintenance yet, 
> thus
> why I have manually added access as needed. It's spread around a few people
> (all those with access have been told and your ssh key's set up). You all also
> have sudo access, so I'm trying to spread the access around.
> So for now for releases - you can ssh to e5.enlightenment.org or
> download.enlightenment.org and presto.
> Long term I want to slowly move over services one at a time. I want to keep 
> the
> system as simple as possible. This for now means these are the things that 
> need
> to move over, and probably in this order:
> * download (DONE)
> * www+docs
> * phab+git+lists+smtp (probably need to move together)
> * extra
> * devs (this is the one case where i think we should have a vm or container)
> * ssl+vpn+build (i am not sure we even use any of these... builds are on
> travis now)
> Any move of these means interruption of those services at that time. I
> definitely didn't want to move anything during a major release effort. I also
> didn't want to move more complex stuff until I have a large chunk of time
> available to troubleshoot. I'd dearly love to have helping hands with this too
> so multiple eyeballs help not miss things or discover faults in the move 
> faster.
> So that's the status and at least how I see things working. Any
> insights/suggestions/ideas ... do say.
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I've been preparing to manage to procedure for the upcoming release, and
> > I've noticed at least one blocker for me. It seems there's been a lot of
> > shuffling of infrastructure recently, and I'm no longer certain where to
> > upload tarballs; a recent mailing list thread suggests that this should be
> > download.enlightenment.org directly--with no ProxyCommand--but this doesn't
> > seem to be working for me.
> > 
> > Can someone clarify/fix this so that I can continue with my release
> > checklist?
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Mike
> > 
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