
With 1.26, I'm seeing "ninja test" timeout on every single suite.  Except for
the actual failures & errors I'm seeing, running the individual binaries is
fine.  There seems to be something weird with forking - I hardcoded "do_fork =
0;" at src/tests/efl_check.h:359 and most of the timeouts are gone.

Sample comparison with default meson options:

  Summary of Failures:

  18/44 eo-suite                  TIMEOUT         30.11s
  19/44 eo-suite-dbg              TIMEOUT         30.10s
  20/44 eo-suite-fallback         TIMEOUT         30.09s
  21/44 eina                      TIMEOUT         30.14s   killed by signal 15 
  22/44 efl-suite                 TIMEOUT         30.01s
  23/44 emile-suite               TIMEOUT         30.01s
  24/44 eet-suite                 TIMEOUT         30.02s   exit status 1
  27/44 eldbus-suite              TIMEOUT         30.01s   killed by signal 15 
  28/44 ecore-suite               TIMEOUT         30.04s
  29/44 efl-app                   TIMEOUT         30.04s
  30/44 ecore_con-suite           TIMEOUT         30.03s
  31/44 eeze-suite                TIMEOUT         30.02s
  32/44 efreet-suite              TIMEOUT         30.01s
  33/44 edje-suite                TIMEOUT         30.01s
  37/44 elementary-suite          TIMEOUT         30.03s   (exit status 255 or 
signal 127 SIGinvalid)
  38/44 efl-ui-suite              TIMEOUT         30.03s   (exit status 255 or 
signal 127 SIGinvalid)
  39/44 eina_cxx-suite            TIMEOUT         30.03s
  40/44 evas-suite                TIMEOUT         60.02s
  41/44 eolian_cxx-suite          TIMEOUT         30.05s
  43/44 eldbus_cxx-suite          TIMEOUT         30.04s   (exit status 255 or 
signal 127 SIGinvalid)
  44/44 efl_ui_spec-suite         TIMEOUT         60.02s
  Ok:                 23
  Expected Fail:      0
  Fail:               0
  Unexpected Pass:    0
  Skipped:            0
  Timeout:            21
  $ time EFL_RUN_IN_TREE=1 ./src/tests/eina/eina_suite
  100%: Checks: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0
  100%: Checks: 11, Failures: 0, Errors: 0
  100%: Checks: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0
  100%: Checks: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0
  100%: Checks: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0
  100%: Checks: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0
  100%: Checks: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0
  100%: Checks: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0
  real  0m0.180s
  user  0m0.387s
  sys   0m0.469s
  $ echo $?


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