On Sun, 26 Nov 2006 04:18:04 -0500 Christopher Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Writting to try and get some clarification on a few TODO items:
> * IBar will resize itself down to single icon size on start/restart 
> under some circumstances.
> Any use cases? Reproduction methods?

metrics reported this one i think from memory.

> * make e internal windows (config panel, dialogs, config windows etc.) 
> use special border styles by default.
> Which style do we want by default?

the e specific one (one for no resize, one for resizable dialogs, and later i
think i will add a few more for filemanager windows for example).

> * accidental DND removals of icons from ibar - make it harder by not 
> removing if you do not drag it far enough away (put the icon back where 
> it was).
> Drag Delta?

addition to drag delta. drag detla only starts a drag and drop after a certain
amount fo drag - this would abort (and restore the icon) if it was going to
delte it if the delta is not big enough (eg 200 pixels or something)

> * remove a lot of ipc commands that should be done via the gui now
> Is this safe/ok to start doing?

for now - leave it, but i want to reduce ipc to things like restart, exit, etc.
etc. - actions, not config changes.

> * maybe look at improving config panel layout - list is getting VERY long
> What direction do we want to go with this? Winblows "Control Panel" type 
> deal, or something "enlightened" ? :)

done :)

> Cheers,
> devilhorns
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The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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