
There seems to be a problem with the GL engine given an evas image in
YUV colorspace when setting data via evas_object_image_data_set() if the
stride of the data does not equal the image's width.  (By this I mean
that where data is treated as an array of pointers, given any two
consecutive pointers, if p1-p0 > width then the problem occurs.)

The problem exhibits itself as diagonal banding in what appears to be
one or both of the chroma planes.  (Luma plane is fine.)  The problem is
not present with the software engine, which at least likely rules out
anything I'm doing wrong. :)

Concerning the YUV image colorspace stuff, aside from this problem it
works wonderfully.  I'm really very impressed; and with GL engine it is
damn fast. :)

On an unrelated note (too lazy to send a separate email), I'm observing
that when I set alpha=0 on an image that I'm updating with
evas_object_image_data_set (it is video), subsequently setting alpha=255
only ends up showing the image as a black rectangle, even as the image
continues to be updated with data_set().  The colorspace of the image
not relevant with this problem, nor is the has_alpha value.  This
happens with and cvs, using both GL and software engines.  Is
this a known issue or have I been caught by a common gotcha?


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