Dave wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just two words to make you inform the new edje_editor status.
> I have now reach a first stable version of the patch to edje
> (bugzilla #294). In my opinion this version is ready 
> to be committed to the edje cvs, but I didn't get any devs
> opinion  :( 

        At this point, since you're starting to dwelve further and
further into things, you'd likely want edje's maintainer to give
feedback - and that would be Carsten.. who seems to be very busy
at the moment. Tilman and Brian Mattern might also be able to help,
though Brian is likely too busy with his physics studies.

        I don't think any 'issues' with your work would be ones of
people thinking that the code might not be 'good enough' or whatnot,
but rather wether it should be part of edje, or wether it might
have problems being completed satisfactorily (due to edje internals
being what they are), and those kinds of things.
        Maybe you could take a tentative look into what issues
you might run into as you try and advance things further? eg, what
happens if you try to implement adding/removing parts, what happens
if you try to implement editing an animated edje (tweened images
or whatnot), what do you do about transitions, programs, etc, etc.


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