On 03/14/2008 09:51, Toma wrote:
> I still need some solidarity from everyone/some more folks about the
> systray before starting more flame wars on the xdg list. Im out on the
> town atm, but if you search systray on the wiki you will find a spec
> raster proposed for a working systray. A working example would be a
> better submittion than simply a spec. Please consider it if you plan
> on writing/fixing the systray.

A systray is one of the proposed ideas for Google Summer of Code.  would
it be possible for you to wait to see if it gets picked up by a student.
 We should know something by April 11th.


> Toma
> On 3/14/08, The DarkMaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hallo everyone, as I anticipated you, here's the second mail (with different
>> goals and subject).
>> OpenGEU needs to get rid of fbpanel. To do it we need not only the menu
>> module (see my other mail) but also another module, a theme switcher, and a
>> working systray. Now, I perfectly know what you all (or many of you) think
>> about the systray story but OpenGEU is for newbyes, for dumbs, it is the
>> E17ish version of Ubuntu, in other words, it is original for sure in
>> behavior and user experience bt the lack of a systray would make it even a
>> little incompatible with the gnome tools we use (such as network-manager,
>> gnome-power-manager, update-notifier, etc....) and would make it harder for
>> a beginner. So I don't care, I know experienced users can live without a
>> sytray but OpenGEU cannot :)
>> A systray module is already available in GOS for example, but it is a little
>> too much buggy... if anyone can help getting it a little stabler and better
>> than it would be wonderful but we could even live with it that way....
>> But here's the main reason for this mail. I'll post everything about the
>> OpenGEU theme switcher needed by the project, this is the other module we'd
>> need.
>> How does the module work? When it is started and while it is opened, it
>> checks the contents of this folder:
>> /usr/share/opengeu_themes/
>> This folder is still not available in the current OpenGEU. The module looks
>> for sub-folders, each oen will have the name of a theme. For example if the
>> module looks in the folder and finds these subfolders:
>> /usr/share/opengeu_themes/sunshine
>> /usr/share/opengeu_themes/moonlight
>> /usr/share/opengeu_themes/murrina_sunshine
>> /usr/share/opengeu_themes/murrina_moonlight
>> /usr/share/opengeu_themes/steampunk
>> it then checks inside them for an .sh file with the same name of each
>> sub-folder. If it finds that .sh file, than it displays the theme in the
>> list of available themes. In each subfolder there's not only the .sh file
>> but also a .jpg or whatever format with the same name of the subfolder / .sh
>> file, this is a screenshot of the theme. The screenshot must be of a default
>> resolution (you can choose it, I don't care, it depends also on the
>> dimensions of the preview windows you're going to code). For example, the
>> module, finds in the subfolder:
>> /usr/share/opengeu_themes/steampunk
>> the following files:
>> steampunk.sh
>> steampunk.jpg
>> Then the module shows in its themes list (alphabetical order of course) a
>> theme named "steampunk" (like the folder) with a screenshot next to it,
>> steampunk.jpg (or whatever extension you prefer).
>> If a user chooses the theme and clicks on OK or Apply, the module has just
>> to run the .sh script. What does the script do?
>> OpenGEU themes are different from E17 themes. An OpenGEU theme customize the
>> entire E17 / Gnome desktop, that is, it changes:
>> 1) the e17 theme
>> 2) the etk theme
>> 3) the gtk theme
>> 4) the gnome background (for fake transparency)
>> 5) the GDM theme
>> 6) the icons theme
>> 7) the spash theme
>> 8) the entrance theme (if entrance is used)
>> basically, it changes everything.
>> That's what the script will do but I'll write the scripts I need, don't
>> worry, I only need the ability to use this theme switcher.
>> That's why I wrote a script for every OpenGEU theme, they work pretty well
>> but I plan to create various OpenGEU themes, not only the pair we have right
>> now.
>> The theme switcher needs to check in the folder I named above because there
>> has to be the possibility to add new OpenGEU themes later. With a .deb or
>> even with a .tar.gz file! If this is the case, maybe a user downloaded from
>> the net a .tar.gz OpenGEU theme, containing a foldr with the name of the
>> theme and the .sh + .jpeg files with the same name inside it.
>> The modules needs so to have an add theme button (possibly even drag and
>> drop would be very nice), able of reading a .tar.gz file and extract it
>> somewhere into the home folder of the user, for example:
>> /home/username/.opengeu_themes
>> The module should also keep track of the contents of this folder.
>> Well, that's all I can say about the OpenGEU theme switcher we'd need. If
>> anyone is interested in creating it, please answer this mail. Also, it could
>> be an etk app, not a module, I don't care, as long as it works! :)
>> Greetings everyone, hoping someone will help having OpenGEU go ahead in this
>> adventure!
>> Luca D.M.
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