Hi all
as someone of you know I'm working on a module to place gadgets on the desktop.
It's ready for me! and now need your testing and your suggestion.

Gadgets can simply stay on you desktop window, but can also be stacked over 
your windows; gadgets stacked ontop can be showed/hidden with a key (I use 
Super-G, you have to bind your).

I need your commnts on how the gadgets placed on top should work.
Now when you press the key the whole screen fade to white and the gadgets 
appear with an animation, the mouse events are captured by the big window so 
that you can't use your desktop until you repress the key and the gadgets 

Do you think is the right way to do it? I have also a version that make the big 
window shaped and you can use your desktop also when the gadgets are showed. 
I'm not sure witch of the 2 is the better. So I need your comment :)

As usual you can find the download and more info on my site

P.S. on the site will also find a new calculator completly done in edje :)

Thanks all

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