Gustavo wrote:

>>      The issue isn't one of safety in the sense of circular
>> referencing, it's mmx/fp 'safety', ie. that we know for certain
>> that the execution paths aren't being interrupted in such a way
>> that although you think you've released mmx registers, and thus
>> the next guy is free to use fp ops.. that maybe isn't so.
> I believe it's up to OS to save/restore all the registers when you
> change threads. Am I wrong?

      I have no idea what happens with this, or how using multiple cpu
cores affects that.

>>      There is much too great a difference in the behavior of the
>> code with vs. without pipes to say for certain that the code-execution
>> paths are well understood.
> But do you remember my tests where I disabled the other threads, just
> launching one and still having this behavior?

      As I understood you, as soon as you disabled pipes the problems
disappeared - presumably mmx is being released adequately, and indeed
I know of no cases where a problem has being observed (with recent cvs)
without pipes or on single-core systems. And when you enable pipes again,
the problem came back immediately. That's what I thought you obsrved
(among other things).
      If that's so, then why is this ocurring.. what is the exact code
path that's being executed that causes such a radical change? This needs
to be understood far better than what I've seen in any remarks made by
anyone so far.

> Also, as I reported to you in private, the "src" was being calculated
> fine, remember that I said that if I just copy the src to dst I was
> getting the "correct" gradient, but of course it was not being placed
> in the correct angle.

      Right, because the fp calculations that gave the matrix were
then junk, so the computed geometry was garbage. But the question is:
Was this happening *only* when pipes are enabled, or does it happen
with pipes diabled as well?

      I should add that: we *hope* the particular kind of bit of
of 'put emms before one begins to use some sequence of fp ops'
does indeed solve things in general.

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