Dmitriy wrote:

>> ...
>>    This is great opportunity for those who are evas engineers to start 
>> thinking/
>> working on 'native' implementations for their engine of interest -- I can't 
>> do
>> *all* engines in x amount of time.. and while a simple mechanism to 
>> implicitly
>> 'fall-back' to software easily would be nice, that's not quite available 
>> right
>> now and in any case the point of much of this is to have as 'native' versions
>> of things as much as possible.
>> ...
> Hello, Jose!
> It's about new Direct3D Evas engine for Win32, that I've developed for 
> Enlightenment during SoC. For now it is not yet committed to the main code 
> repository, but I am able to support gradient functionality that you need in 
> it. I suppose it is necessary to implement all of the eng_gradient2_* 
> functions. Please contact me and CC Vincent Torri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with 
> details. 
> The way of implementation of gradients in this engine is not difficult, we 
> can use pixel shaders capabilities easily. For each gradient type we can make 
> own pixel shader, for example: 
> Linear gradient shader:
> // Input register data
> float4 f4StartPoint : register(c0);  // xy in [0; 1] x [0; 1]
> float4 f4Direction : register(c1);  // xy - normalized, w - length
> float4 f4StartColor : register(c2);  // rgba
> float4 f4EndColor : register(c3);  // rgba
> float4 main(float2 uv: TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
> {
>    float2 pos = uv - f4StartPoint.xy;
>    // saturate - clamp input value in [0; 1]
>    float f = saturate(dot(pos, f4Direction.xy) / f4Direction.w);
>    return lerp(f4StartColor, f4EndColor, f);
> }
> And then just set proper constants when drawing the object. 
> This would be the most 'native' version for the engine:).
   Excellent. That's exactly the kind of thing one wants with this. Note that 
linear grad2, where the fill geometry is given by specifying the start and end 
(rel to the obj's coord system with origin at its top-left), the fill-transform 
simply used to get new start/end points from the given ones. Though of course 
one must
use the *inverse* of the supplied transform matrix, and we only use the affine 
   For radial grads it's a bit less intuitive, but basically, whatever method 
you'd be
using to draw an untransformed radial grad2, simply use the fill-transform to 
back to an untransformed coordinate system and draw your un-transf radial grad 
rel to
that. More or less anyway.. so long as you'd be doing your linear interpolation 
of color
stops in non-premul color space that would work fine.

   There's also the 'spread' modes to deal with: repeat, reflect, restrict (aka 
and pad. Evas has a couple more right now but they'll go away.

   Now, here's an experiment everyone can try. Forget about the software 
I gave for say the new linear grad2 evas object -- assume it hasn't been done 
at all,
and all you have is the api to work from plus some of the canvas level funcs I 
Assume further that your engine of interest is the only one that exists.
   Then try and write an implementation of this new linear grad2 evas object 
all the way
from the canvas down to the engine (only one engine for you). Basically, it's 
just you
trying to implement it with your engine alone. See what you come with and we 
can compare
notes after a bit. :)

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