Olivier SMEDTS, il 04/01/2009 19:48, scrisse:
> Hello list,
> I'm trying to compile e17 (freshly checked out from public svn
> repository) without dbus.
> I have been using e17 from sources for years and am very happy with
> it. I'm currently using enlightenment 0.16.999.050 (27 oct 2008) on
> FreeBSD. I don't use, have or need dbus, hal and the like.

dbus is now needed for e17.
I'm on a slack box wich didn't have dbus or hal, I've simply 
downloaded and built dbus and now I'm able to build and run e17, 
even if e17 itself is the only app on my system that is actually 
using dbus.

       Massimo Maiurana         massimo<at>ragusa.linux.it
       http://massimo.solira.org       GPG keyID #7044D601

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