On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 11:30 AM, David Seikel <onef...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 10:49:03 +0800 Brian Wang
> <brian.wang.0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> We are running Elementary/EFL on our target device (ARM926EJS @
>> 400MHz).  We would like to run a window manager to simply the windows
>> management.
>> I have seen some e17+Illume demo videos on the web and would love to
>> see its functionalities on our device.  However, it is the boot time
>> that is of concern.  Judging from the video clips, it takes 30~50
>> seconds to boot when running the e17+Illume.  That seems forever for a
>> simple multimedia device.  Maybe it is due to too many modules
>> configured in?
>> Besides e17, are there any window managers that are based on EFL?  I'm
> Nope.

I guess that leaves e17 as the only option.

>> personally drooling over Illume's software keyboards...  Matchbox
>> window manager + panel used to be an option, but it's kind of "static"
>> after I saw Illume...
>> My dream window manager would boot fast, small in size and with a sexy
>> software keyboard.  Is it too much to ask for?
> One question that comes to mind, having worked on the boot speed
> problem. is what do you mean by "boot time"?   Time from turn on to a
> usable GUI?  That is not all E17, you are also starting up the CPU,
> hardware, maybe a BIOS, boot loader,  kernel, X, and whatever else you
> need, often most of this is before E17 is started.  Sure for some
> embedded devices there may not be a BIOS, or the linux kernel may BE the
> BIOS and boot loader.  You are still left with at least starting kernel
> and X before you even get to starting E17.

Yes, I mean the time from power-on to a usable GUI and on our device,
that would be:
u-boot + kernel + kdrive + X apps
Currently u-boot + kernel + kdrive take roughtly 3.x seconds without
any optimization.
I would like to make it boot up within 5 seconds from power-on to a
usable state.  That would leave 1.x second for e to start...2

> I do remember a time when we managed to get the startup time of e17
> itself down to a fraction of a second on a typical desktop.  Maybe 5
> seconds tops on the sort of device you mentioned.  I don't know what it
> is these days.

You mean e17 spends 5 seconds all by itself?  Hm... sounds like a
daunting task ahead of me...

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