
        Strange issue with the Settings --> Apps --> Startup Applications. 
Currently I am starting three apps, Basket Notepads, Knemo and synaptics 
tpad. Knemo and tpad work fine and knemo finds its way to the systray. 
(no icon with tpad) Basket on the other hand needs to be given the 
command-line option --start-hidden so it can start minimized and go to 
the systray during startup. I can find no place in the Apps Settings 
that would allow me to pass the --start-hidden parameter in hopes of 
getting it into the systray so I don't have to shut it down and restart 
it just to be able to minimize it to the systray. (sort of defeats the 
purpose of autostart)

        What happens is basket starts, but instead of its icon going to the 
systray, it gets lost and ends up at the top right corner of the screen 
-- just stuck there. It still acts like a systray icon, you click on in 
and basket is iconified and you click again its restored. The icon just 
didn't make it in to the real tray.

        Two problems potentially. (1) passing the --start-hidden option may fix 
it, or (2) there is just something in the current startup process that 
prevents that app from getting in the systray no matter what options are 
given. I don't know about (1), because I can't find a place to put the 
option. As for (2) we will just have to find out after we get (1) fixed. 
What leads me to believe it may be an command line parameter issue, is 
when I have to close it to get rid of the icon in the top of the screen, 
I immediately restart it, and the icon properly hops into the systray.

        What say the experts on this? I would like to find a way to start 
basket in the systray. That way it is there when I need it. Let me know 
if I can provide additional information to help. Also, I am more than 
happy to run test cases, etc.., Just let me know:

NOTE: If you do not currently use Basket Notepads, let me suggest that 
it is the greatest app to come along in a long time. The diversity of 
information you can put in your basket is phenomenal, everything from 
sounds, to color swatches, to pictures and images, to url links and much 
much more. It is awesome. Use it for 30 days and you won't go without it 
again ;-)

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
Telephone: (936) 715-9333
Facsimile: (936) 715-9339

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