Hey all,

Ive had discussions with raster and Manowarrior in IRC about icons and
their sizing. We all agree that with edje we have the power to step
into a new age of icon size and corresponding image selection.
Typically we have 1 icon for a specific task and then call it a day.
This becomes a very tough situation when the FDO icon naming spec
doesnt have any specifications in regards to size, and to introduce
that to the spec would be yet another horror to the nightmare that is
the icon naming spec. We also come across issues when using the scale
option, where small icons are magnified to a size they no longer look
good at, or shrunk so that a high detailed icon looks like a tiny
blurry smudge.

This can already be done with Embryo, by reading the object area size
and using an image based upon it. However it would be better to have
this done at a lower level in edje.

As a rough (and most likely flawed idea) something a long these lines
might work...

imagelist {
   name: "Something";
   image: "something-16.png" 8 16 COMP;
   image: "something-48.png" 16 48 COMP;
   image: "something-128.png" 48 128 COMP;

Where there is an icon name specified, then a list of images to use
based on the objects minimum and maximum size. Perhaps even make it
not resize past a limit... for instance, the last example wouldnt get
scaled higher than 128px, and the first example wouldnt scale down
past 8px.

Anyway, this is all just food for thought!

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