On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 18:04:02 +0200 Cedric BAIL <cedric.b...@free.fr> said:

> On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 5:55 PM, Massimo Maiurana <maiur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Stephen Houston, il 23/08/2010 17:35, scrisse:
> >> I like it!
> >
> > me too :)
> Definitly so much better ! I vote for it too !

what? don't we need some more primary colors and crudely mouse-squiggled
bits? :)

only comment here - looks nice. actually very much unique in the powered by
world that normally is just some boring badge with the standard
project/product/company logo on it. the e has a solid middle bit. f and l are
nice line-art (so to speak). almost a bit inconsistent. not sure what to do
there. making the F or L have "thick bits" or remove the tick middle of the e
(less desirable as it then is no longer like the e logo).

one thing? what grid and units do you use? seems the thickness of the lines is
not a nice "whole unit" :) it's just visually "roughly done". normally with
things like logos and stuff i tend to get things going to a nice regular grid
to ensure lines and bits are all the right consistent dimensions - so i'm
trying to match up with yours but can't seem to find the right "setup". also
the efl bit in the circle logo is "cut out" but the powered by is layers white
on top. (can't you tell i'm a programmery-type and i "code review" even your
illustrations noting that tho it looks good.. things dont quite line up etc.
right) :) not sure if you intended it to be all cut out or a circle clipping a
white "efl" and "powered by" .. or you actually intended the mix and match
look. :) important though if the thing is to become a logo and possible used
over various backgrounds. i'd make it a chicle clipping white efl + powered by
for that. attached is a cleanup of the round one as described. so thumbs up to
your design idea. just needed cleaning :)

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    ras...@rasterman.com

<<attachment: pby-a2.svg>>

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