I figured Id throw my $0.00002 AUD into this...

Being a noob to the programming game, Just the ecore_init() seems fine
by me as long as ecore_init() documentation also states that
eina_init() happens with it. Seeing eina_init() and ecore_init() tells
my noobie brain that one must happen before the other otherwise stuff
might not work right.

I guess you could consider that the 'grandma' test.

On 5 October 2010 20:46, Tom Hacohen <tom.haco...@partner.samsung.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-10-05 at 09:41 -0300, Iván Briano (Sachiel) wrote:
>> Still not good. There's a difference of relying on some component 
>> initializing
>> a library because it uses internally, and initializing it because it's
>> also giving
>> you back stuff from it. In the first case, yes, relying on that and not being
>> explicit can cause you problems in the future, but for the second, even if
>> Ecore can be built without Evas, ecore_evas_init() is pretty much guaranteed
>> to init Evas as well, unless something is very wrong somewhere. So being
>> explicit or not depends on you knowing what you are doing, which doesn't
>> necessarily imply that you know the internals of what you are using.
> ecore_init() says nothing about eina in any way or form. It's not like
> ecore_evas_init() which explicitly says "evas is there and will be
> used".
> As I said, this case is different because ecore will probably always use
> eina, but still, you can't say ecore_init() implies eina_init() will
> also be run.
> But yes I agree that libs that fall under this category:
> "Still not good. There's a difference of relying on some component
> initializing a library because it uses internally, and initializing it
> because it's also giving you back stuff from it."
> Are special cases (which ecore may be one of those, I'm not sure, I
> don't remember ecore's API by heart).
> --
> Tom.
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