Am Tue, 12 Oct 2010 09:49:58 -0300 schrieb Iván Briano (Sachiel):

> >  // -> this doesn't change the List! Why?
> >  ext_eo = edje_object_part_external_object_get (eo, "List01");
> >  assert (elm_list_item_append (ext_eo, "1. Line", NULL, NULL, NULL,
> >  NULL)); assert (elm_list_item_append (ext_eo, "2. Line", NULL,
> > NULL, NULL, NULL)); assert (elm_list_item_append (ext_eo, "3.
> > Line", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)); assert (elm_list_item_append
> > (ext_eo, "4. Line", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
> >
> elm_list needs elm_list_go() after changing its items, or it won't
> update anything.

Ah, great. Now it works.

> > " Almost all swallow rules apply: you should not move, resize, hide,
> > show, set the color or clipper of such part. It's a bit more
> > restrictive as one must never delete this object!"
> >
> > The result is a Evas_Object pointer. So what happens if someone
> > calls it? Simply nothing and it doesn't hurt? Is it possible to get
> > an error if someone calls the functions in a part? I ask this
> > because I like to typesafe wrap this in C++. So I could decide
> > between ignoring, throwing an Exception or creating derived objects
> > with some less modifier functions to let the user not call these
> > funtions.
> >
> GROUP parts are like SWALLOW that automatically create an Edje object
> with the given group and put it in there. EXTERNAL parts are the
> same, except they create the widget using the externals framework.
> After that, Edje handles its geometry and visibility, so you should
> not touch that. In genernal, you never
> mess with any property from anything created in Edje, but externals
> are special in that they may have a ton of things they can do, of
> which Edje knows nothing. So, for that, you must get the object with
> that function and play with it as if you
> had created, but always taking into consideration the restrictions
> mentioned above.
> With that said, call that function on a non EXTERNAL part, and you
> should get NULL from it. How that works for you on the C++ bindings I
> don't know.

Hm, ok. Maybe my question wasn't clear enough. I mean I tried e.g. to
to a evas_object_hide() on a EXTERNAL part. That seems to do nothing.

So is this a behaviour I could rely on? It's no problem if I document
this fact in the API docs. I only like to ensure that nothing bad
happens if someone calls hide() on an EXTERNAL part. If this is "bad"
in any way I would forbid it by having special ExternalPart objects for
each type that simply provides no EXTERNAL "forbidden" functions.


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