Vincent Torri <> writes:

> Hey,
> to be more strict about commits on the core EFL (that is, those that have 
> been released as 1.0), maybe we could do like other projects:
>   * create a patch ML
>   * never commit directly to svn but send the patch to that ML
>   * once someone has reviewed the patch, one can commit it (the reviewer
>     or the original author of the patch if he has commit access).
> This would ensure that:
>   * nothing is forgotten (changelog, push to 1.0 branch, formatting, ...)
>   * patch is tested by another person, so more solid code.
> Cons: a bit slower development process.
> What do you think ?

Doing it WebKit-style (every single byte change needs a bug report with
a patch + ChangeLog entry + reviewer etc) might be too overkill, even
though that might deliver the best results quality-wise. This also
implies there are enough reviewers for everything.

Do you think an intermediate solution would have a chance? Like creating
the patch ML (and optionally using some tool like ReviewBoard) and
everything else, but not enforcing its use for every single change (it'd
be good if ChangeLog-worthy commits passed through it first,
though). The primary con is that sending a patch to the list would be at
the discretion of the committer.

Raphael Kubo da Costa
ProFUSION embedded systems

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