On 07/29/2011 09:39 AM, Nicolas Aguirre wrote:
> Hi,
> When i activated XCB support in ecore and evas, engage is not usable
> anymore. When i click on engage bar the E desktop menu is displayed.
> It's like if engage doesn't take focus when mouse entered the window.
> There is no "zoom" animation on mouse over.
> I try with and without composite, with detourious and default theme.
> I updated all EFL, e and engage today.
> When i rebuild evas and ecore without xcb, and only them, engage is
> working again as expected.
A quick look @ the engage source code may have revealed something...

If you are using a compositor (e comp module, etc), than 
ecore_x_screen_is_composited will return true...Engage source is doing a 
check for: e_config->use_composite OR ecore_x_screen_is_composited. So 
basically if you disabled the composite module, but 
e_config->use_composite is still true, than Engage will still try to run 
it's compositing code. This is not entirely correct IMO.

Just because e_config->use_composite is true does not mean that a 
compositor is really running. IIRC, e_config->use_composite just tells E 
to try and use argb windows instead of shaped windows...but if no 
compositor is running, than argb windows are not going to actually be 
Argb anyway (as in alpha).

You're flaw could be happening because of this (but again, not totally 
sure because I do not know the engage code).


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