I noticed some big improvements on OSX, compared to 2 weeks ago, which was the 
last time I downloaded from SVN.

The OSX crash-on-startup bug seems to be gone. I don't know why. There are 
still some display problems during the first e17 launch after startup, but no 
segv crashes. 

I can fix the display problems with the same work-around I was using for the 
startup crash --  by disabling shm in 
/evas/src/modules/engines/software_x11/evas_xlib_buffer.c. Still it would be 
good to understand what I can do to make shm segments work better  on OSX. 

Also, startup is 10x faster than before. There was always a 10 second delay 
starting up e17. Today, it takes like 1-2 seconds.

I'm very happy to see this after many months with the crash on startup and slow 

What changed?

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