
I'm trying to have a 3 by 3 edje table of similar icons for an eventual 
alternative lock screen for touchscreen devices.

Compiling the edc file I get

[rms@roque default]$ edje_cc default.edc
ERR<10402>:edje_cc edje_cc_parse.c:456 parse() edje_cc: Error. parse 
error <stdin>:60. , marker before ; marker

Line 60 is the first of nine macro calls: ICON("top_left", "top_left");

The macro appears correct, there don't seem to be any run away quotes or 
parentesis, and I don't know what else to check.

You can see the code at PROTO/e_pattern_lock/data/theme/default/default.edc

Meanwhile, I'm going to hope sleep proves to be a sound counsel.


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