On Thu, 29 Sep 2011 19:33:16 +1000 David Seikel <onef...@gmail.com> said:

> OK, lua2 has no text part support, and that's what I needed.  So I went
> with embryo.  More about that below, but first the important part of
> this post.  For a later project, I'll really need lua in EFL, but for
> this one, the embryo stuff works.  I did want to get stuck into lua2
> with this project though, just as a warm up to that later one.
> I spent part of yesterday going over edje's internals, to figure out
> what I don't know, and how much work it might be to implement lua2 text
> part support.  I might be able to implement text parts in lua2, at least
> enough to satisfy my own needs.  After writing the first few bits of
> lua2 stuff, lots of the rest are likely to be trivial boiler plate code.
> Just gotta get my head around it and get up to speed.

correct. most of it is boiler plate "fill me in" code. last i worked on it all
the design patterns/poler plate was done with examples and implementations of a
chunk of things, but definitely not everything. in fact the whole purpose of
lua2 was for implementing "totally in lua only" objects. i.e. the object
including layout math is done in lua. i didnt intend to expose lua in the same
places embryo is now (for adding extra logic to existing groups with parts and
states etc.). the reason for this is 1. sanity of implementation and 2. easier
dividing line between "should i use lua or embryo".

> So, what are other peoples plans with implementing lua2?  Would I be
> stepping on others toes?  Is someone else gonna be doing it very soon?
> Is raster happy with how lua2 was turning out, and not gonna start on
> lua3?  Am I gonna go well past my annual commit quota?

no plans for now.

> Embryo lacked a feature I found is in recent versions of small/pawn,
> So my embryo code is rather ugly to work around that.  Lua has that
> feature though.  I think they called it array subscripts in pawn, but
> it's basically a struct.  Lua tables should do that fine.

yes. embryo is older. no plans to upgrade its support at this stage if ever. if
you need more "api calls" in the embryo script to do things it currently cant
to parts or whatever - we just add them. the lua stuff is intended to be a
whole new "class" of object totally implemented in lua script (resizing,
transitions etc. - of COURSE with edje providing lots of helpers and pre-made
functionality like transitioning parameters of objects etc. over time).

> Some might say that if my edje code is complex enough to require
> structs, that I should be doing it in C.  However, I want the edje file

i would say that.

> to include the full details of each game personality, as later I'll be
> adding more game personalities, and it's best for this design to have
> ALL that stuff in the one edje file.  Then switching personalities is
> just a simple theme change.  So one important struct, and code to deal
> with it, must be in the edje file.  Then the C just sends generic
> messages, and each game personality deals with it in it's own way.
> Actually, with this design, the interactions between edje and C are
> very simple.  Most of the complexity to do with this struct is handled
> entirely by the edje, it's mostly data to do with what gets displayed.
> -- 
> A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
> coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    ras...@rasterman.com

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