Hi All,

There is a plan to make elm_viewedit widget.  
The concept of this widget is shifting between light weight viewable widget to 
heavy weight editor widget 
basically for performance optimization.   
If a screen has to be launched with multiple heavy weight editing widgets [ 
like elm_entry,  elm_slider, elm_colorselector etc:]
it may slow down launching time.
Instead launch a screen with viewer widgets [ TEXT parts, elm_label etc:- ] and 
only when these widgets are focused replace them with editor widget 
and when unfocused replace them back with viewer widget. This will help reduce 
launching time of an application.
and also there is no need to create multiple editor widgets. Single editor 
widget can be reused [singleton].
for e.g.: same entry widget can be reused throughout the screen or app.  For 
e.g.:  if 10 entry widgets are required per screen, only one widget can be 
created instead of 10 and reused throughout based on which viewer is focused. 

This widget will be based on class concept,  a viewer class and an editor 
class. Application will need to implement the interfaces like viewer/editor 
get, data get and data set
so that any widget can be used as viewer/editor.

Default viewer/editor classes  also can be provided which application can use 
for common set of widgets. these default classes will reduce alot of 
application code.

For eg:
Viewer : TEXT Editor: slider [ to select a range of values  once selected use 
the selected value and update text part]
Viewer: TEXTBLOCK/LABEL Editor: elm_entry [ user edits the text and once 
editing is complete label widget is updated with current edited text ]
Viewer: Color Retangle Editor: Elm_colorselector [ select color once done 
update the color rectangle with selected color ]
Viewer widgets can be small occupy less space where as editor widgets can be 
large, using this concept even screen space can 
be optimized.

Please let us know your opinion regarding this widget concept and design.

Thanks & Regards
Shilpa Singh

------- Original Message -------
Sender : SHILPAONKAR SINGH<shilpa.si...@samsung.com> Lead Engineer/SISO-Linux 
Platform Lab/Samsung Electronics
Date : Nov 03, 2011 15:46 (GMT+09:00)
Title : [E-devel] elm_colorselector patch - edje objects replaced by button 

Hi All,

Please find attached elm_colorselector patch.
In this patch edje objects used for button functionality are replaced by button 
and button widget's clicked event and repeated event is used instead of edje
object's mouse down event and timers[for auto repeat functionality].
theme hook is also modified to make color selector fully themeable.
"Change Description"
Elm_colorselector: 1. Color change on clicked instead of mouse down.
2. Edje objects (left/right button) are replaced by button objects. 
Thanks & Regards
Shilpa Singh
RSA(R) Conference 2012
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