Hello again! Had some other priorities come up, and then vacation, but
I've recently gotten back to scratching my head and poking around the

My idea at the moment is to create a new "axis updated"
event/callback. Applications that register for it would be notified
whenever a device axis changed and have access to a snapshot of the
current state. This has a number of advantages over modifying the
existing 'mouse' or 'multi' events:

 * The change should be ABI compatible
 * Multi events are not abused to mean "any kind of extended pointer"
 * Cleaner API that keeps mouse and multi APIs focused on their
"usual" use-cases
 * "Unusual" axes are only sent to apps that are actually interested
 * The event can be reasonably sent for many kinds of input devices
(mouse, touch, stylus, 6DOF "spaceball", knob controller, etc.)

This approach does wind up duplicating some data that's already
available through the "standard" events (e.g. stylus X/Y or
touchscreen tilt). I don't think that's really an issue though: the
axis event should be viewed as /supplemental/ to any data delivered by
the standard events. You should be able to interchangeably use either
source for the duplicated data without too much trouble.

I've scratched out the following definitions with the aim of making
something that will be easy to keep forward-compatible, and flexible
enough to handle many kinds of input devices:

enum _Ecore_Axis_Name {
     X, /* Position along physical X axis; ????? units. */
     Y, /* Position along physical Y axis; ????? units. */
     PRESSURE, /* Normalized force applied to tool tip; Range: [0.0, 1.0] */
     DISTANCE, /* Normalized distance along physical Z axis; Range:
[0.0, 1.0] */
     AZIMUTH, /* Angle of tool about the Z axis from positive X axis;
Range: [-PI, PI] radians */
     TILT, /* Angle of tool about plane of sensor from positive Z
axis; Range: [0.0, PI] radians */
     TWIST, /* Angle of tool about tool's major axis from tool's
"natural" position; Range: [-PI, PI] radians */
     TOUCH_WIDTH_MAJOR, /* Length of contact ellipse along AZIMUTH */
     TOUCH_WIDTH_MINOR, /* Length of contact ellipse perpendicular to AZIMUTH */
     TOOL_WIDTH_MAJOR, /* Length of tool ellipse along AZIMUTH */
     TOOL_WIDTH_MINOR /* Length of tool ellipse perpendicular to AZIMUTH */

enum _Ecore_Tool_Name {
     MOUSE, /* Mouse or "puck" digitizer */
     FINGER, /* Touchscreen, touchpad, etc. */
     STYLUS, /* Pen writing tip */
     ERASER, /* Pen erasing tip */
     AIRBRUSH, /* ... is this a useful hint? */
     MARKER /* ... is this a useful hint? */

struct _Ecore_Axis {
     enum _Ecore_Axis_Name name;
     double value;

struct _Ecore_Event_Axis_Update
     unsigned int timestamp;
     unsigned int modifiers; /* Is this necessary? */

     int device; /* Unique device identifier */
     int toolid; /* Unique tool identifier (e.g. tool serial number,
touchscreen contact number, etc.) */
     enum _Ecore_Tool_Name tooltype; /* Type of tool in use (e.g. "puck", ) */

     int nvalues;
     struct _Ecore_Axis *values;

These are still in pretty heavy flux though. The basic event structure
contains identifiers about where the event came from (device and
toolid), what kind of tool created it (tooltype), and what the current
axis values are (values). The axis values are stored with a
dynamically allocated array so that we aren't limited to 'N' axes, and
each axis is given an label to make it clear to clients how it should
be interpreted. The tooltype field might be an unnecessary hint, or
might belong somewhere else (e.g. evas_device); hard to say. I'm also
not sure how I want to send X/Y information; none of the options are
particularly savory.

Would anyone mind giving some feedback on this? I'm hacking up a
quick-and-dirty implementation to get a feel for the complexities
involved, and the first half (posting events to the queue) went easy
enough. Now to work on implementing the labyrinth of functions that
the event follows on its way from the queue to an application.

Now instead of four in the eights place /
you’ve got three, ‘Cause you added one  /
(That is to say, eight) to the two,     /
But you can’t take seven from three,    /
So you look at the sixty-fours....

On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 5:19 AM, Rafael Antognolli <antogno...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 7:58 AM, Carsten Haitzler <ras...@rasterman.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, 2 Oct 2013 22:28:54 -0700 Jason Gerecke <killert...@gmail.com> said:
>>> On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 8:21 PM, Carsten Haitzler <ras...@rasterman.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> > On Wed, 2 Oct 2013 13:59:47 -0700 Jason Gerecke <killert...@gmail.com> 
>>> > said:
>>> >
>>> > 3 things here.
>>> >
>>> > 1. for general device queries (get name, description, device classes etc.)
>>> > there is already an evas_device api. right now though nothng populates the
>>> > evas device information from lower levels (xi/xi2, etc. etc.), so it's
>>> > unused. but it's there.
>>> Would clients be expected to call this just once prior to receiving
>>> input, or is there some way to notify them that a change has occured?
>> the query of the devices and building of their nodes and tree should be in
>> ecore-evas. EVAS_CALLBACK_DEVICE_CHANGED is already there for this - u can 
>> set
>> a callback on the evas itself to listen for this. the idea is that if you get
>> this callback - re-query the device tree and see. :)
>>> I ask because the type information (e.g. pen tip vs. eraser or
>>> airbrush vs. inking pen) is likely to change fairly regularly. We
>>> would want to be sure that clients can get their hands on that,
>>> whether it means notifying that they need to refresh their
>>> understanding or sending the type information in each event.
>> well the device add/del is really more about plug and unplug. here i'd expect
>> there to be a single device representing the pen and pen vs eraser vs brush 
>> i'd
>> expect as a mode field on the pen (like i mention below about eraser)
>>> > 2. i've talked with some people about this and the general take was that 
>>> > we
>>> > need to add new pen events (ala multi) because they need to handle more 
>>> > than
>>> > multi: e.g.:
>>> >
>>> >   * button number on pen pressed/released SEPARATELY from pen touching.
>>> >   * pen touch vs eraser touch (ie indicate which "end" of N ends a pen
>>> > presses down).
>>> >   * some pens support a hover ability - so that means motion events 
>>> > without
>>> > down/up begin/end points like multi, BUT we would ned/want to report
>>> > distance as a value during this hover
>>> >   * possibly other custom inputs on the pens themselves that are not
>>> > accounted for.
>>> >
>>> > we COULD extend multi events and add fields, but i think you are mistaking
>>> > habitual over-engineering in efl for intent for these to be pen events. a
>>> > lot of stuff gets extended beyond its initial scope "in case". eg in case
>>> > out touch surface can report size, pressure and angle of your finger... :)
>>> > also it'd cause issues with existing multi event usage.
>>> >
>>> As I said, the multi event is interesting for its extra fields, but
>>> might not be a good semantic match. A pen isn't anything more than
>>> fancy mouse: it has motion without a touch event and a set of buttons
>>> to worry about. The only thing that makes it special are all those
>>> extra axes, and most of those could be imagined on a
>>> sufficiently-advanced mouse. Wacom actually makes such a "mouse" for
>>> their Intuos tablets which reports things like height above the pad,
>>> rotation about the z-axis, and absolute position of a spring-loaded
>>> fingerwheel.
>>> The way most APIs handle pen input is to just pass the data alongside
>>> the X/Y position you'd expect for a mouse. Throw in an enum or
>>> function to let clients distinguish pen tip from eraser and you're
>>> set.
>> i'm thinking similarly - have down/up and move events, with a bunch of extra
>> fields. only q is.. what set of fileds pretty much covers every aspect of a
>> possible pen.... :)
>>> > 3. if you want to tal about the extra buttons and what not that you find 
>>> > on
>>> > pen tablets (i have a bamboo sitting on my desk at home - i know cheapo
>>> > little pen tablet, but its indicative at a small scale of a lot of them), 
>>> > i
>>> > believe these should just be "keys" like any keyboard. i don't think these
>>> > belong in any specialized event system. as with #1 we CAN attach a special
>>> > device handle to them though so you can differentiate where the key comes
>>> > from... :)
>>> >
>>> Most implementations send these as "buttons" rather than "keys". In
>>> the case of evdev, the Intuos and Cintiq tablets will send the
>>> "meaningless" BTN_{0,1,2,3,...} buttons. For a Bamboo though, you'll
>>> find the mouse buttons BTN_{LEFT,RIGHT,FORWARD,BACK} instead. In the X
>>> driver these are all mapped to mouse buttons that clients can easily
>>> understand. The first few mouse buttons usually have attached
>>> semantics (e.g. button 1 => left click => primary action) which makes
>>> them non-ideal, but "keys" don't fare much better since you'd need
>>> clients to properly understand a non-standard keyboard layout. These
>>> buttons are always a tricky issue.
>> sure, but i see keys as better as they have keysyms at least that have
>> enumerations... if the intent is to emulate a mouse - then buttons sounds
>> right... anyway... if buttons  then its kind of weirs to expose a button pres
>> from the tablet base as this press event carries x/y info but actually has
>> nothing to do with location... :)
>>> > adding  new event type isn't too hard in evas - you add the structures,
>>> > enums (at the end of the current list of callbacks), add the feed api's to
>>> > feed the event in, add the appropriate routing (the same we do for multi
>>> > and mouse), and then that's done.
>>> >
>>> > then there is edje - likely you want to expose the pen events as signals
>>> > like mouse. maybe not? optional really.
>>> >
>>> > and the important bit then ecore-evas + ecore-input + ecore-input-evas
>>> > needs to gather the events from the next layer down and call the feed
>>> > calls. the layer below could be evdev/console input devices (fb) x11
>>> > (xi/xi2 etc.), or wl.. or win32.. or anything... and then for these
>>> > ecore-x, ecore-fb, ecore-wl etc. needs to gather the appropriate events
>>> > from the display system/event input system below that. one thing missign 
>>> > in
>>> > ecore-evas is what i describe in #1 - querying all available devices,
>>> > monitoring for new devices being plugged/unplugged and appropriately
>>> > populating/managing the evas_device tree per canvas. :) it's something we
>>> > need to get around to ding some time... :)
>>> >
>>> Sounds like there'll be a bit of code spelunking in my future. I'll be
>>> happy once I wrap my head around how each of these components (edje,
>>> ecore, evas, etc.) fit together.
>> indeed. i hope this helped a bit. keep this dialog going and ask questions,
>> swap initial struct definitions or ideas etc. :)
> Put a backtrace on _mouse_down_cb, on that evas_multi_touch example,
> and you will find that it is delivered by the
> ecore_event_evas_mouse_button_down function, which is a handler for an
> Ecore event called ECORE_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN. That one is
> delivered by the underlying input system for that engine. Find out
> which part of the code delivers that event and then you can trace
> where it started by simple gdb backtrace.
> I suggest using eo_backtrace for debugging, to keep you sane from the
> lots of eo_internal stuff that goes in the middle of the backtraces.
> I hope that helps,
> Rafael
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