On 27/06/15 17:14, Michael Blumenkrantz wrote:
> On Sat, 27 Jun 2015 15:45:38 +0100
> Tom Hacohen <t...@stosb.com> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> Cool, let's get this baby out of the door! A lot of exciting stuff going on.
>> Just two comments:
>> 1. It's a bit of a short notice, would be great to have a longer one. I'd
>> recommend looking at how it's done in the EFL where everything is known
>> months in advance.
> I can appreciate that it may be short notice, but consider that Enlightenment
> has been in full-on development mode for 9+ months. If anyone truly had any
> critical features to merge (which I am not already aware of), they've had 
> ample
> time to come forward during this period.
> Furthermore, while I may be reluctant to merge new things after the freeze, it
> is by no means impossible to do so. If someone comes up with something novel
> and interesting which has little chance of creating large bugs for me to fix,
> it's probable that I'll accept it.

The length of the development cycle makes the short notice even worse. 
People expect a long cycle from e, so it's easier to procrastinate (in 
comparison to the efl), and such a short notice makes it hard for people 
to figure out what they still need/want to do. Anyhow, my problem with 
it is less about it being short, and more about it being unnecessarily 
short. There's no real reason why not give a proper notice. I assume you 
didn't just wake up one day and told yourself "oh, actually, we didn't 
have a release in a while, let's do one.". I assume there was planning 
involved and that you knew what was missing for weeks/months before this 
announcement. This can be done way in advance.

Anyhow, for the next release, please let's have a more concrete plan 
with a sufficient advance warning.

>> 2. What is the timeline for the release? Given that Wayland is still being
>> actively developed and not frozen, and that e20 is not going to be released
>> before efl 1.15, e will be in feature freeze for a long time. Feels a bit
>> excessive.
> In my estimation, >= 1 month of feature freeze (1.15 is scheduled for 3 August
> 2015) prior to release after a 9 month development cycle is actually a very
> short freeze. While I would like to provide a concrete release-by schedule,
> Enlightenment development is a bit different from EFL, and I am strongly
> opposed to setting such a deadline given the extremely limited manpower
> actively working on Enlightenment.

Oh wow, it's July already. OK, then the efl release is not a blocker in 
that regard. I also don't want/expect a strict time based release cycle 
for e. However we should strive for a shorter, more defined release 
cycle. In my point of view, communication and transparency are key for 
good open source collaborations, and I think we need to improve on that 
front. The limited manpower is a chicken and egg kind of thing. There's 
no reason to have the collaborative overhead in a project that has only 
a few contributors, but if you don't have the collaborative overhead, 
new contributors won't come. We need to consider that.

> Ideally, E20 will release prior to EFL 1.16, but this is nothing more than
> my responding to questions of "When will E17 be released?" with "Soon".

It was a bad answer then, and it's a bad answer now. A better answer 
would be: "once we get Wayland to XYZ and go through a week of not 
finding any major bugs", or whatever other criteria we find fit. Again, 
transparency and communication.

Please let me know if you disagree, I'm happy to discuss it further.


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