On Wed, 13 Jan 2016 10:28:25 +0100 Stefan Schmidt
<ste...@osg.samsung.com> wrote:

> Hello.
> On 13/01/16 10:17, David Seikel wrote:
> > Wow, this is the first time in about a year that an EFL release has
> > NOT broken my highly experimental, based on beta API, SledjHamr
> > virtual world project.  Congratulations guys and gals.  B-)
> That is good to hear!
> >
> > On the other hand, I'm still trying to fix up all the breakage from
> > previous releases.  lol
> >
> This one not :(
> Besides all these b0rkers jokes we are trying not to break things.
> From alpha1 onwards I really try to make sure we uncover the problems
> we might have to avoid regressions in the release. From my point of
> view it looks like the kind of regressions we have are mostly around
> behaviour changes. Actual API breaks seem to be under control.
> Does this correlate with what you are seeing?

Keep in mind that my SledjHamr project is expected to take years to
complete, and has been under development (on and off, mostly off)
already for years.  It's due to this expectation that I'm using the
beta stuff in the first place.  I expect the beta APIs I've been using
will be well and truly stable before I can get a release out.

In the early days, yes API breaks where common.  These where easy to
fix though, look it up in the docs, or look at changes to examples,
just make the compiler happy.

These days it is more behaviour changes that's the problem.  These can
be tricky to sort out.  For example, one I "fixed" from the previous
release (or perhaps the one before that) is that the Elementary toolbar
on my main window would not display, even though the toolbars on the
child windows displayed fine.  Both use the same code.  So I wrapped it
in it's own child window for now, that's just big enough to show the
toolbar.  Just a work around for now.  While Elementary might be
stable, I'm using it via Eo, so the problem might be in Eo.

Another recent bug fix was that the 3D models where not turning up.  I
can't recall off the top of my head how I fixed that.  Evas_3D isn't
stable, so I expect problems every now and then.  Also in Evas_3D, I
was using the example cube and sphere code originally.  Some time last
year the ability to click on that cube or sphere stopped working,
around about the time primitives where added to Evas_3D.  I fixed this
by switching to primitives, and clicks work fine now.

There have been many other issues like those.

The one remaining problem, though it's entirely possible it's masking
more, is to do with very complex communication between the client,
world server, and script server.  I think, proving to be tricky to
track down.  Some of the stuff is working, but I should be getting a
dialogue popping up as the result of interacting with a script, and that
isn't working now.  I know the dialogue itself works, popping it up
other ways is fine.

The following novel describes how complex this is.  Skip it if you
like.  lol

I start the client, it tries to connect to a world server (local only
for testing), if it can't find one, it starts one, then tries again.
The world server does the same thing for the script server, try to
connect, on failure, start one.

Once it's all up and running, the world server tells the script server
to start compiling all the scripts it finds in the world.  These are
ordinary LSL scripts (Linden Scripting Language), as invented for Second
Life (SL) by Linden Labs.  Commonly used open source scripts are what
I'm testing with.  I'm trying to maintain backwards compatibility with
both that and the OpenSim (OS) variation of LSL.  It's common to have
thousands of these scripts in one 256 x 256 meter region, or even
dozens on an avatar.

LSL is a .... insert REALLY STRONG SWEAR WORDS here ... of a language,
trying to do stuff often involves multiple scripts communicating with
each other.  The script server translates them into Lua, then uses
LuaJIT to compile them.  The script server tells the world server when
each script is done compiling, the world server then tells the script
server to actually run them.  Which it does, using LuaJIT.  I wrote a
worker thread system to run these scripts, as LSL is event driven.  So
script response to events is expected to be short.  This is actually
part of the spec of LSL.  Anyone trying an endless loop in LSL should
expect their script to be terminated.

As an aside, I'm doing things this way coz I feel that LuaJIT, being
the fastest scripting language, could do a far better job than normal
LSL, which is usually compiled to Mono.  If I remember correctly (been
a while since I did the last benchmarks), SL and OS both take many
seconds to compile an average script, my compiler is compiling hundreds
per second.  I haven't benchmarked running performance yet, but I
expect a decent speed up.  OS has a similar arrangement, but translates
to C# and compiles to Mono; no one knows what SL does, other than use
Mono.  SL used to compile the scripts client side, using their own
runtime, but they switched to compiling to Mono.  This is why these
days you can select either option in SL.

So these normal, everyday, LSL scripts toss messages back and forth
between themselves, mostly due to memory limits and lack of a library
mechanism, and toss messages to the world server to get it to do stuff
to the world.  The world server tosses events to the script server,
which are passed onto the scripts.  Stuff that involves interacting with
the user gets messages tossed between all three.

The main scripts I'm testing with are called MLP, Multi Love Pose,
scripts used for sex.  I chose them coz they actually exercise a large
part of the system in a staged way (so I don't have to implement
everything at once), they are popular, and are known to be slow.  Plus,
I'm familiar with them, having worked with them in the past.  When they
start up, they mostly just sit idle until someone clicks on the object
they are in.  Then a half dozen scripts start loading data into
themselves from "notecards" also stored in the object, spewing logging
info to the chat console.  After a while, they are ready.  A second
click is supposed to pop up a dialogue where the user can then decide
what to do.  Usually the user will then select a pose from the
dialogue, and the scripts will create "pose balls" in world, which the
user/s then sit on.  Second Life and OpenSim users will be familiar
with how this works in world.

Right now, only some of those messages to the chat console actually
appear, and the dialogue no longer pops up.  It used to work as far as
interacting with the dialogue, and getting more dialogues.  The part
that creates objects in world in response to scripts hasn't been
written yet.  I don't even have avatars yet, so no one's sitting on

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.

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