On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 8:25 AM, Andreas Volz <li...@brachttal.net> wrote:
> Hello together,
> I'm still using the Eflxx because it worked until now in my
> application. But the List and Genlist support in Eflxx isn't good (much
> memory leaking) and I think about porting my application to the
> official C++ interface instead of fixing Eflxx in the long term. Not
> decided when, because I would need much time without any now feature
> coding.
> But I didn't find really good examples for the C++ Elm (e.g. GenList)
> interface. Are there some? I like the elementaryxx_example I wrote even
> if not complete. I don't like to ask dozen of stupid API questions here.

I don't think we have one. BTW, be prepared that genlist will change
its interface completely for bindings (C++ included) when its Eolian
interface changes.

Even without a specific example, you can read the eolian interface
of the class to see how to use, and use the examples from C as
a basis for now. I'll consider a specific example when the interface is

> regards
>   Andreas
> --

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