On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 10:53 AM, Andreas Volz <li...@brachttal.net> wrote:
> now I managed to write a simple media player on top of emotion with a
> browsing list. But I've some problems to understand how to work with
> the (async) "playback_finished" signal.
> Let me describe the problem and write some high level requirements:
> 1. choose a file in the list to play it
> 2. if file is complete played, continue with next file for playing
> For sure I implemented all the folder handling and so.
> But the problem is that I get a "playback_finished" in both cases. If a
> file is complete played and so "finished" and in the case the user
> chooses a new file and I open it with emotion while the old is still
> playing. Then I couldn't decide in the callback between those both
> cases. This results e.g. in always skipping to the next if I choose a
> new file in the list.
> I had the idea to remember some "playing state" in my application, but
> this doesn't work as all the emotion stuff is in a thread. So if I
> stop() a media file it's not stopped in this moment but a little later.
> I think the design of my application is somehow not good. Could you
> explain how I should handle those two requirements with emotion?

I don't know much about your application, but couldn't you set a
different callback depending on case 1 or 2 when you start ?
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