stefan pushed a commit to branch master.

commit a6022c170264dc29074212b280e2d946093e203a
Author: Stefan Schmidt <>
Date:   Tue Oct 25 13:03:46 2016 +0200

    docs: ecore_con: document missing HTTP enums
 src/lib/ecore_con/efl_net_dialer_http.eo |   7 +-
 src/lib/ecore_con/efl_net_http_types.eot | 146 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 2 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/lib/ecore_con/efl_net_dialer_http.eo 
index f9ceae2..b8c327d 100644
--- a/src/lib/ecore_con/efl_net_dialer_http.eo
+++ b/src/lib/ecore_con/efl_net_dialer_http.eo
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 import efl_net_http_types;
 enum Efl.Net.Dialer.Http.Primary_Mode {
-    auto,
-    download,
-    upload,
+    [[Primary HTTP mode]]
+    auto, [[HTTP auto mode]]
+    download, [[HTTP download mode]]
+    upload, [[HTTP upload mode]]
 class Efl.Net.Dialer.Http (Efl.Loop_User, Efl.Net.Dialer, Efl.Io.Sizer) {
diff --git a/src/lib/ecore_con/efl_net_http_types.eot 
index 895297f..328f59d 100644
--- a/src/lib/ecore_con/efl_net_http_types.eot
+++ b/src/lib/ecore_con/efl_net_http_types.eot
@@ -22,89 +22,91 @@ enum Efl.Net.Http.Authentication_Method {
 enum Efl.Net.Http.Status {
-    [[Common HTTP status codes]]
+    [[Common HTTP status codes. A more detailed description on the various 
HTTPS status codes can be
+    found one Wikipedia:]]
-    unknown = 0, [[unknown status, likely not connected]]
+    unknown = 0, [[HTTP status code: Unknown, likely not connected]]
     /* Informational: 1xx */
-    continue = 100,
-    switching_protocols = 101,
-    checkpoint = 103, /* unofficial extension */
-    processing = 102,
+    continue = 100, [[HTTP status code: continue]]
+    switching_protocols = 101, [[HTTP status code: switching protocols]]
+    checkpoint = 103, [[HTTP status code: checkpoint (unofficial extension)]]
+    processing = 102, [[HTTP status code: processing]]
     /* success: 2xx */
-    ok = 200,
-    created = 201,
-    accepted = 202,
-    non_authoritative_information = 203,
-    no_content = 204,
-    reset_content = 205,
-    partial_content = 206,
-    multi_status = 207,
-    already_reported = 208,
-    im_used = 226,
+    ok = 200, [[HTTP status code: OK]]
+    created = 201, [[HTTP status code: created]]
+    accepted = 202, [[HTTP status code: accepted]]
+    non_authoritative_information = 203, [[HTTP status code: non authoritative 
+    no_content = 204, [[HTTP status code: no content]]
+    reset_content = 205, [[HTTP status code: reset content]]
+    partial_content = 206, [[HTTP status code: partial content]]
+    multi_status = 207, [[HTTP status code: multi status]]
+    already_reported = 208, [[HTTP status code: already reported]]
+    im_used = 226, [[HTTP status code: IM used]]
     /* redirection: 3xx */
-    multiple_choices = 300,
-    moved_permanently = 301,
-    found = 302,
-    see_other = 303,
-    not_modified = 304,
-    use_proxy = 305,
-    switch_proxy = 306,
-    temporary_redirect = 307,
-    permanent_redirect = 308,
+    multiple_choices = 300, [[HTTP status code: multiple choices]]
+    moved_permanently = 301, [[HTTP status code: moved permanently]]
+    found = 302, [[HTTP status code: found]]
+    see_other = 303, [[HTTP status code: see other]]
+    not_modified = 304, [[HTTP status code: not modified]]
+    use_proxy = 305, [[HTTP status code: use proxy]]
+    switch_proxy = 306, [[HTTP status code: switch proxy]]
+    temporary_redirect = 307, [[HTTP status code: temporary redirect]]
+    permanent_redirect = 308, [[HTTP status code: permanent redirect]]
     /* client error: 4xx */
-    bad_request = 400,
-    unauthorized = 401,
-    payment_required = 402,
-    forbidden = 403,
-    not_found = 404,
-    method_not_allowed = 405,
-    not_acceptable = 406,
-    proxy_authentication_required = 407,
-    request_timeout = 408,
-    conflict = 409,
-    gone = 410,
-    length_required = 411,
-    precondition_failed = 412,
-    payload_too_large = 413,
-    uri_too_long = 414,
-    unsupported_media_type = 415,
-    range_not_satisfiable = 416,
-    expectation_failed = 417,
-    misdirected_request = 421,
-    unprocessable_entity = 422,
-    locked = 423,
-    failed_dependency = 424,
-    upgrade_required = 426,
-    precondition_required = 428,
-    too_many_requests = 429,
-    request_header_fields_too_large = 431,
-    login_timeout = 440, /* unofficial extension */
-    no_response = 444, /* unofficial extension */
-    retry_with = 449, /* unofficial extension */
-    blocked_by_windows_parental_controls = 450, /* unofficial extension */
-    unavailable_for_legal_reasons = 451,
-    ssl_certificate_error = 495, /* unofficial extension */
-    ssl_certificate_required = 496, /* unofficial extension */
-    http_request_sent_to_https_port = 497, /* unofficial extension */
-    request_has_been_forbidden_by_antivirus = 499,
+    bad_request = 400, [[HTTP status code: bad request]]
+    unauthorized = 401, [[HTTP status code: unauthorized]]
+    payment_required = 402, [[HTTP status code: payment required]]
+    forbidden = 403, [[HTTP status code: forbidden]]
+    not_found = 404, [[HTTP status code: not found]]
+    method_not_allowed = 405, [[HTTP status code: method not allowed]]
+    not_acceptable = 406, [[HTTP status code: not acceptable]]
+    proxy_authentication_required = 407, [[HTTP status code: proxy 
authentication required]]
+    request_timeout = 408, [[HTTP status code: request timeout]]
+    conflict = 409, [[HTTP status code: conflict]]
+    gone = 410, [[HTTP status code: gone]]
+    length_required = 411, [[HTTP status code: length required]]
+    precondition_failed = 412, [[HTTP status code: precondition failed]]
+    payload_too_large = 413, [[HTTP status code: payload too large]]
+    uri_too_long = 414, [[HTTP status code: URI too long]]
+    unsupported_media_type = 415, [[HTTP status code: unsupported media type]]
+    range_not_satisfiable = 416, [[HTTP status code: range not satisfied]]
+    expectation_failed = 417, [[HTTP status code: expectation failed]]
+    misdirected_request = 421, [[HTTP status code: misdirected request]]
+    unprocessable_entity = 422, [[HTTP status code: unprocessable entity]]
+    locked = 423, [[HTTP status code: locked]]
+    failed_dependency = 424, [[HTTP status code: failed dependency]]
+    upgrade_required = 426, [[HTTP status code: upgrade required]]
+    precondition_required = 428, [[HTTP status code: precondition required]]
+    too_many_requests = 429, [[HTTP status code: too many requests]]
+    request_header_fields_too_large = 431, [[HTTP status code: request header 
fields too large]]
+    login_timeout = 440, [[HTTP status code: login timeout (unofficial 
+    no_response = 444, [[HTTP status code: no response (unofficial extension)]]
+    retry_with = 449, [[HTTP status code: retry with (unofficial extension)]]
+    blocked_by_windows_parental_controls = 450, [[HTTP status code: blocked by 
windows parental controls (unofficial extension)]]
+    unavailable_for_legal_reasons = 451, [[HTTP status code: unavailable for 
legal reasons]]
+    ssl_certificate_error = 495, [[HTTP status code: SSL certificate error 
(unofficial extension)]]
+    ssl_certificate_required = 496, [[HTTP status code: SSL certificate 
required (unofficial extension)]]
+    http_request_sent_to_https_port = 497, [[HTTP status code: HTTP request 
sent to HTTPS port (unofficial extension)]]
+    request_has_been_forbidden_by_antivirus = 499, [[HTTP status code: request 
has been forbidden by
+    anti virus]]
     /* server error: 5xx */
-    internal_server_error = 500,
-    not_implemented = 501,
-    bad_gateway = 502,
-    service_unavailable = 503,
-    gateway_timeout = 504,
-    http_version_not_supported = 505,
-    variant_also_negotiates = 506,
-    insufficient_storage = 507,
-    loop_detected = 508,
-    bandwidth_limit_exceeded = 509, /* unofficial extension */
-    not_extended = 510,
-    network_authentication_required = 511,
+    internal_server_error = 500, [[HTTP status code: internal server error]]
+    not_implemented = 501, [[HTTP status code: not implemented]]
+    bad_gateway = 502, [[HTTP status code: bad gateway]]
+    service_unavailable = 503, [[HTTP status code: service unavailable]]
+    gateway_timeout = 504, [[HTTP status code: gateway timeout]]
+    http_version_not_supported = 505, [[HTTP status code: HTTP version not 
+    variant_also_negotiates = 506, [[HTTP status code: variant also 
+    insufficient_storage = 507, [[HTTP status code: insufficient storage]]
+    loop_detected = 508, [[HTTP status code: loop detected]]
+    bandwidth_limit_exceeded = 509, [[HTTP status code: bandwidth limit 
exceeded (unofficial extension)]]
+    not_extended = 510, [[HTTP status code: not extended]]
+    network_authentication_required = 511, [[HTTP status code: network 
authentication required]]
 struct Efl.Net.Http.Header {


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