On Fri, 2 Dec 2016 14:54:20 -0200 Bruno Dilly <bdi...@profusion.mobi> said:

actually i need to bring up something else...

please memory profile your work!

i'm seeing over 1mb of hash entries being used by


(called from _efl_canvas_object_pointer_mode_by_device_set()).

this is huge! now i have to figure out what even is the point of this code, but
it is new...

how did i see this? just ran enlightenment under valgrind massif and uses
massive visualizer:


> Hi folks,
> now that multiseat is supported up to Evas, we’re working on Edje.
> The idea is that a developer would be able to implement an UI that
> may be used by more than one single seat, properly handling focus,
> and providing different feedback for different seats action.
> Let’s say, different colors on focus, different images when different
> seat pointers are over, etc.
> I’ve done an initial implementation and wrote an example. It’s available
> on my branch devs/bdilly/edje_multiseat . There you’ll be able to find
> edje_multiseat example (C code + EDC).
> To make this possible, a few main changes were done:
>   *  New signals were added, adding the seat as suffix. So “mouse,in” would
> be still be emitted, but also “mouse,in,seat1”, for example
>   * Real Parts now may be focused by multiple seats
>   * Some actions receive an optional seat parameter. For instance,
> FOCUS_SET may receive the seat name, or it will consider it's about the
> default seat.
>    * Since Evas seat devices may have arbitrary names (at least using
> wayland backend you can name them as you want using udev rules), or set
> them on programmatic ways, Edje will have custom names for seats, following
> a well established pattern. So first announced seat will be named “seat1”,
> the second “seat2”... If an application supports three seats, on EDC you
> know what signals you should expect. It makes it possible to write general
> applications (in the sense of not knowing exactly seats beforehand). But
> let’s say it’s not the case. there is a specific product built in a way
> that they know exactly which seats are supported and configured their
> names, or want to check if this seat has pointer, keyboard, or whatever…
> for this cases, Edje also emits signals saying when devices were added (or
> removed) and their names. With these names you can use a new Edje function
> to fetch the Evas device named as “seat1”.
> Please let me know about any suggestions or concerns.
> I should make a pull request with this initial patchset soon
> Thank you
> -- 
> Bruno Dilly
> ProFUSION embedded systems
> http://profusion.mobi
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