Source code:

Under EFL 1.15 this code worked fine. It essentially toggled of a toolbar
button after it was clicked so long as it was not a dropdown menu.

Under EFL 1.18 however the item_selected_get function keeps returning a
none type:

jeff@hoogland-W740SU:~/Storage/GitHub/ePad$ ./epad
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "efl/evas/efl.evas_object_smart.pxi", line 446, in
efl.evas._smart_callback (efl/evas/efl.evas.c:78724)
  File "./epad", line 1176, in itemClicked
    if item.menu_get() is None and item.selected_get():
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'menu_get'

Any ideas why this is? What can I do to get this code block to work as
intended under EFL 1.18? Using the EFL 1.18.3 release with python EFL
1.18.0 release tar.

~Jeff Hoogland <>
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