On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 12:18 PM, Tom Hacohen <t...@stosb.com> wrote:
> Heya,
> I personally think it's a bad idea to rely on a proprietary tool for
> open source development, and from what I remember, I'm not the only
> one.
> This is partially why we self host git and not use Github et al.

yeah, this was mentioned and we're compiling a Pros/Cons doc, which
includes that.

however unlike code repo in centralized era (cvs/svn), it's simple to
move to different git repositories, just a new remote. and to be
honest, our git.e.o is failing more and more, it's not pain off :-/

as for comms, except the initial step of register and configure the
irc bridge for your user, then you simple change/add a new network and
the same channels. After that it's the same thing.

IRC and in particular our usage is very ephemeral, there is no backlog
saved, nothing ties us to that service... and the same will happen
with slack, if it goes away, we simply change to another service,
which may be irc again. It's even simpler than changing GIT

> Long live IRC.

we can keep it running, I experienced with a bot that link both
channels, in the IRC side it's kind of annoying as it prefixes all
messages with the nick, like:

    e-slack_> [barbieri] I guess it's okay now, test

on slack UI it's bit better, shows the user name as if it was native,
with a sign it's coming from an app. Not idea, but can keep IRC alive
and as an alternative while the test goes on and people do not want to
stay in 2 systems.

> https://xkcd.com/1782/

yeah, shared like 100 times already :-D

Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
Mobile: +55 (16) 99354-9890

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