Il giorno Fri, 27 Jun 2003 19:02:51 +0200 Andrea scrisse:

> Hi everyone,
> I am not able to tell E which applets he should remember.
> I correctly choose the windows to remember, but when I start it again
> there are multiple copies of my epplets (E-Xmms, E-Cpu, E-Clock), in
> other positions than the others in which I left them.

there should be no reason to tell E which epplets to remember, since
epplets are always remembered until you close them.
as for the multiple epplets thing, as you say in the other mail, it's a
libepplet issue, but you can avoid it simply by following a few rules:
- don't use other session managers, such as gnome-session or kde, under
  E; just plain E!
- don't kill E, always close it gracefully.
- maybe others, I don't know.

that's just what I heard here about this problem, but I have to say that
I never had to face it :)

        Massimo Maiurana   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
          Linux RU #245612  RM #127258  keyID #7044D601

Articolo 11 - L'Italia ripudia la guerra come strumento di offesa alla
libertà degli altri popoli e come mezzo di risoluzione delle
controversie internazionali; consente, in condizioni di parità con gli
altri Stati, alle limitazioni di sovranità necessarie ad un ordinamento
che assicuri la pace e la giustizia fra le Nazioni; promuove e favorisce
le organizzazioni internazionali rivolte a tale scopo. 

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