Il giorno Sat, 9 Oct 2004 10:29:23 -0400 Michael scrisse:

> Kindly point me to the e-mail in which I replied to a sig.  Astute
> observers will note that Massimo's reply attribution said "Charlie."
> Furthermore, his reply was directed to "Charlie Pelletier
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>", and the list was merely CC'd.  Anyone with an
> adequate e-mail client will also note that Massimo's two messages are
> adjacent in the thread, all of which tells us that Charlie
> (appropriately and wisely) replied to Massimo's sig off-list, and
> Massimo erroneously copied the list on *his* reply to Charlie.

charlie replied to me both privately and on the list, I received two
copies of his message. look at the header of his mail:

From: Charlie Pelletier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Charlie Pelletier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Massimo Maiurana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [e-users] KDE under Enlightenment

there are three recipients here. you surely missed this email, and this
is the reason why you see my two messages adjacent.

the 'Reply-To:' field causes my client to put only charlie's address as
recipient, but since the thread was already on the list I thought to add
the list in 'cc:' for a single reply, no further messages.

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