Il giorno Fri, 24 Jun 2005 14:47:08 -0500 Ron scrisse:

> But when I launch them, the icon in the window is always the same one
> I used for pyrrho.eapp .  Launching the "create icon" app from the
> window created from launching eterm.eapp, pyrrho.eapp, or
> isengard.eapp  menu always edits pyrrho.eapp.
> What did I do wrong?

nothing! :)

it's just the way eapps works.
the icon on the title bar, and the one shown in the pager, matches
window class and window name that the application set itself, and those
two are always exactly the same for every instance of a given app.

         Massimo Maiurana          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]       GPG keyID #7044D601

Articolo 11 - L'Italia ripudia la guerra come strumento di offesa alla
libertà  degli  altri  popoli   e  come  mezzo  di  risoluzione  delle
controversie internazionali....

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